When winter rears its frosty head and the mornings are dark and bleak, it can be especially hard to find the energy for your usual morning workout. Sure, your gym has the light and warmth and equipment to make your workout great, but first you’ve got to get yourself there. Since you’re the only one who can make that happen, you’ll need to overcome your own internal resistance. These tips may help:
Remove Small Barriers
Having trouble getting ready and out the door in the morning? Take care of as much as you can the night before, when you’re already on your feet and your mind is sharper. Pack your gym clothes, have your breakfast ready to go, and attend to those last-minute details you usually end up addressing just before you head out the door. For extra get-up-and-go, set the time-brew on your coffee maker and look into installing a remote starter in your car.
Bring a Friend
You probably know more than a few people who want to work out but are having trouble getting it done. Offer them a ride, and a guest pass if your gym offers them. It’s definitely more fun doing a group fitness class with a friend, too.
No takers? No problem. Join a small group training program and meet new friends who are already into working out together.
Make a Plan and Track Your Progress
If you’re the kind of person who responds strongly to personal goals, this one will really get you motivated. When you understand that you’re progressing toward your fitness goals, you’ll be motivated to keep those small victories coming. You can use an online app, like MyFitnessPal, to keep track of your activities, calorie burn, and the like. Or look into a personal trainer, who can help you make a plan that’s safe, effective, and fun—then really hold you to it.
Reward Yourself
This one’s tricky, because rewarding yourself carelessly can easily undo all the great impact you’re having by being disciplined first thing in the morning. If food is your ultimate reward, have a healthy after-workout breakfast or snack, like the ones we offer at the McCordsville Wellness Center’s HealthHut Cafe. Or consider a non-food reward, like reading a chapter or two of that un-put-downable novel you’re obsessed with. Whatever it is, you’ve earned it—don’t reverse it.
Become a Night Owl
We almost forgot the easiest tip for beating those mid-winter, early-morning workout blues: Don’t go to the gym in the morning. Go late instead. If your gym has evening hours, that may be the best solution of all.
Sources and External Links
https://www.hancockwellness.org/locations-and-hours/HEALTHHUT CAFE
https://www.hancockwellness.org/programs-and-services/healthhut-cafe/PERSONAL TRAINING
https://www.hancockwellness.org/programs-and-services/personal-training/Fitness starts with what you eat.
https://www.myfitnesspal.com/SMALL GROUP TRAINING PROGRAMS
https://www.hancockwellness.org/programs-and-services/small-group-training-programs/GROUP FITNESS CLASSES
https://www.hancockwellness.org/group-fitness-classes/How to Add Remote Start to Your Car