For the first three months of the year, our theme is Get Healthy. Each week, we’ll be featuring a different idea to help you improve your health. Get started and keep going, and you’ll make a big difference in your life.
When you complete a challenge, post a picture or video of your experience on your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account with the hashtag #HancockHealthChallenge. You’ll be entered for a chance to win a $250 Hancock Wellness Center gift card.
Get Started Getting Healthy
To help you stay on track, we’ve created a downloadable calendar for January so you can track your progress as you go. Here’s what’s in store for you this month:
Week 1: Living a grateful life.
We’ll start with a challenge that will set the tone for everything we do this year: Start each day this week by writing down three things you’re grateful for. It’s an exercise that reminds you to remember all the good things in your life—and it’s a practice you may find puts you in a more mindful mood all day long.
Week 2: Drink it up!
The average human adult body averages about 60% water. So that “drink eight glasses of water a day” advice you’ve probably heard is really all about keeping your body strong and fit. Now’s the time to take heed of that advice. Eight glasses, every day, all week—and keep it up all year long!
Week 3: Get outside.
Yes, we know it’s winter. Yes, we know it’s cold out there. But that’s all the more reason to get yourself up and moving. Bundle up and go for a walk or a run. Grab a kid and have a snowball fight. Even a little bit of physical activity is a good thing, and getting outside keeps you in touch with your world. Go for it!
Week 4: A healthy self-image.
This week’s challenge is a bit of fun: We want you to surround yourself with images of what good health means to you. What does your goal look like? How do you picture healthy eating? Healthy aging? We want to know!
Share your health journey.
We’ll be keeping up the health challenges all year long—and we want to know how you’re doing every step of the way.
So tell us. Connect with Hancock Health on Facebook and Instagram. Share photos, videos, and stories of your challenges and your successes.
And watch for opportunities to enter contests and win great prizes that will help you along the path to good health. Because getting healthy shouldn’t be all hard work. It should also be fun.
At Hancock Health, we’re making health possible for you and everyone in Hancock County and beyond. Download the January calendar and get started today—and don’t keep it a secret. Add one of our Get Healthy Challenge wallpapers to your desktop to remind you to keep up the good work.
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And bring your friends and family along for the journey. It’s time to get healthy!