
This Women’s Health Week, Take Time for Health

May 7, 2019
Life. Is. Busy. For all of us, but especially for women. Women tend to fill multiple roles in households, workplaces, and social networks—and may care for children, spouses, elderly parents, and even friends as well as for themselves. This packed schedule often leads to a lapse in health management. Checkups, exercise, and good nutrition may fall by the wayside, leading to an increase in illness and stress.

The week immediately following Mother’s Day is Women’s Health Week. It’s the ideal time for you as a woman to take a breath, slow down, and celebrate your life and your health by making time for the care you may have been putting off: appointments missed, yoga sessions skipped, and self-exams put off for another day.

If nothing else, take a moment to understand the habits below, which go a long way toward keeping you healthy and happy all year round. And make a plan for how you will work them into your busy schedule.


In the midst of kids’ activities, work obligations, and community commitments, your health may take a back seat. But focusing on your calendar over your well-being is a quick way to get overwhelmed and suffer lingering stress. This stress can translate into physical symptoms, such as headaches, sleeplessness, tension, anxiety, and even short-term memory problems.

It’s important to take a moment, close your eyes, and remember that although your activities, events, and schedules are important, they’re only temporary issues. Your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being have more impact on your life as a whole—so breathe deeply.

Stay Up-to-Date

Amidst the obligations of daily life, checkups can seem like something that can safely be put off for a year or two, especially if you usually get a clean bill of health. But regular screenings and wellness checks can help head off more serious illnesses that may be easily treatable if caught early. And they can also prevent unhealthy habits from developing into long-term, even lifelong, issues.

Take the time to schedule and keep your appointments so you can manage your health properly.

Work It Out

Yes, working out is a great way to tone and shape your body, but it also improves other facets of your life, including stress management, energy levels, risk of chronic disease, heart health, and increased relaxation, leading to better sleep. Whether you make time to work out, inside or out, or whether you simply make moving more a habit, you’ll find you have better overall fitness, health, and mental focus.

Eat Right

When you’re busy, it can be difficult to plan a full meal of balanced, healthy foods—sometimes it’s hard to remember to eat at all! But maintaining a healthy diet is an important way to stay energized, focused, and ready to take on your day. Instead of hitting the drive-through or resorting to pre-made meals, try to designate time in your week, even if it’s just a few hours, to make or plan healthy meal options.

This week—and every week—take some time to ensure you are maintaining a healthy balance of work, life, and health. Keep scheduled doctor’s appointments, move more, make time for things that make you happy, and most of all, remember to put your well-being—mental and physical—first. Happy Women’s Health Week!

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