
Healthy U at Hancock Health

March 30, 2019
This is Hancock Health’s second year for the Weight Watchers at Work program—or as we like to call it, “WW@HH”—and we are off to a “losing” start with a 150 pounds of weight loss in just eight weeks into the 17-week session! Since the implementation of the program last year, Hancock Health has lost a collective 725 pounds!

Julie Reimer is one of the WW leaders that visits Hancock Health with Sheri Alderman. Julie has been a member of WW since February 2017 and working for WW since October of the same year.

Commenting on her work with the Hancock Health group, Julie said, “I am motivated to help others achieve their weight loss goals, get healthier, and be the person they want to be. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet! With the app and the great tools you get when you sign up, the program is very easy to use. You can eat anything you want. You just have to have a plan for it and make it work with your points. I love it that there are no food restrictions which makes it something you can do for the rest of your life! Knowledge is power! Work the program and the program works!”


All Hancock Health employees are welcome to participate. WW meets every Tuesday from 11:15 am-12:15 pm in the Bariactic Classroom in the basement of the hospital. For more information send an e-mail to!

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