It’s hard to recall a more welcome spring. The lingering snow showers and more-than-brisk breezes kept many of us in hibernation mode several weeks beyond the official first day of Spring.
But alas, the grass is finally green; warmer temperatures and even sunshine have brightened our spirits. And this is a good time to do something for you… like try out some healthy activities that are easier when the weather is beautiful and daylight begins early and ends late.
- Get outside and walk! It’s the best way to start an exercise regimen if you’ve been a little lax in that area. The American Heart Association recommends moderate exercise for 150 minutes a week. That’s five days of a 30-minute walk… and you can break it up into 15-minute segments in the morning and evening!
- Become a frequent flyer at your area farmer’s market. There are several throughout Central Indiana, and they offer tasty, locally grown fruits and vegetables packed with vitamins, fiber and minerals. Nutrition experts recommend 3 to 5 servings of veggies and 2 to 3 servings of fruit for optimal benefits.
- We know you’ve heard “drink more water,” but seriously, drink more water. There are so many benefits, we can’t list them all here. But, you can read more in this earlier blog. Try adding some sliced strawberries or cucumber to a pitcher of water and keeping it in the refrigerator as an encouraging way to hydrate.
- Meanwhile, drink less in terms of alcoholic beverages. This may be contrary to thoughts of sipping copious amounts of beer after mowing the lawn or while enjoying a family BBQ. However, it adds empty calories to your day as well as taking the blame for sleep disorders, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer.
- Tis the season to clean. Why? Your home has become a breeding place for allergens … all that winter dust and soot from candles and fireplaces are laying all over your house. Wipe down window blinds, fan blades and the tops of cabinets and the refrigerator that normally don’t get a regular dusting. Likewise, wash blankets, bedspreads, and curtains to rid your house of allergens and dust mites. (ew)