Thursday, March 15, 2018
Dear Journal,
Today was a strange day. For some reason Juan made me wear these bunny ears all day. I tried taking it off, but Juan stopped me right away. I don’t see Juan wearing HIS bunny ears! Oh well.

Juan and I made our normal route and stopped by Carol’s office. Carol tried making me wear a St. Patrick’s Day hat instead of the bunny ears, but I wasn’t having it. It also wouldn’t stay on my head. What’s the deal with having hats on my head today?
We made our first stop into Reflections, and everyone’s face lit up as soon as I walked in! They all seemed more excited to see me than usual… I’m not sure if it was because of the ears or not, but I didn’t mind at all.
Someone also told me that he was a dog person, and that made me happy. I always like when I can remind someone of their own pet.
I was stopped SO many times in the hallway by people who said that I was adorable!

At AMG we met the nicest people! It was a father and daughter who actually trains dogs! How cool is that?!
He showed us pictures of his own dogs and how cute they are. Both of them talked to us for a good 10 minutes about animals and how awesome they are. They seemed like my type of people.

We then made our way to visit HR since we haven’t before, and they were all so nice! I heard that they are getting their offices redone. I can’t wait to see what they’ll look like when it’s all finished. I hope that they’ll show me around when it’s all done!

Overall it was a great day, and I met lots of new people. Keep up with my adventures and see what I’m up to around the hospital! Hopefully, I’ll get to meet even more people next time that I visit. I sure hope so.