
Oliver’s Travels

February 2, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

We are excited to announce that we have a new member of the Hancock Health family, Oliver! Oliver is our newest therapy dog that has been bred, licensed and trained through the Indiana Canine Assistance Network (ICAN) and has been trained to work with people who have emotional needs. We are going to be following Oliver, along with his handler, Rob Newcomber, and capture how he impacts our patients and staff through his eyes.

Dear Journal,

I haven’t been to the hospital in a couple of weeks, and I was SO excited to see all of my friends! Rob is on vacation somewhere he says is a lot warmer than here, so Juan came with me again. Everyone in the hospital seems to still know who I am, and their eyes light up when they see me. I’m not sure why still… but I’ll take it!

We decided to go visit Rehab because we had never been there before! As soon as we walked in, there were three people greeting me with excitement in their voices. They told me that I was such a calm, and pretty dog. I like them. I would like to visit them again soon.

Marketing also loved seeing us! They gave me lots of pets and Juan gave me treats because I was a good boy I guess. I made my way up the elevator to check out the other floors to see if anyone else wanted to visit with me.

When we made it up to Andis, I ran into the ladies that wash and cut my fur! I actually found some of my friends! I think they’re called “groomers“? But who knows. I like them a lot and I’m glad that I got to see them. It was a special surprise, and I think I made their day.

I was VERY sleepy after all of my visits today, but I’m glad that people enjoy seeing me around the hospital!


Overall it was a great day, and I met lots of new people. Keep up with my adventures and see what I’m up to around the hospital! Hopefully, I’ll get to meet even more people next time that I visit. I sure hope so.


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As East Central Indiana’s population grows, we’re putting health care where people need it most. Besides Hancock Regional Hospital, ranked as one of the nation’s safest by the Lown Hospital Index, our network includes more than 30 other locations near your home or work.

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