Thursday, January 4, 2018
We are excited to announce that we have a new member of the Hancock Health family, Oliver! Oliver is our newest therapy dog that has been bred, licensed and trained through the Indiana Canine Assistance Network (ICAN) and has been trained to work with people who have emotional needs. We are going to be following Oliver, along with his handler, Rob Newcomber, and capture how he impacts our patients and staff through his eyes.
Dear Journal,
I love coming to visit the hospital! This time Rob wasn’t able to come with me today, so Juan brought me instead. I like hanging out with Juan, he gives me lots of treats and attention. He said that everyone pays more attention to me than him when he walks around with me, and I think that’s just crazy! He’s the coolest guy that I know.
Since we still don’t know our way around the hospital just yet, a lady helps us walk around and tells us who to visit next. Today she put this new contraption on me that has a camera. I’m not really sure exactly what it does, but everyone seemed to be staring at me more than usual. I’ve been hearing about how cool I look with this thing on… I guess that I found my new look!
All I can say is that I don’t mind wearing it, and the video that I made is dog gone awesome! Can’t you tell how excited I am to meet new people? I’m thinking becoming a professional film director.
Overall it was a great day, and I met lots of new people. Keep up with my adventures and see what I’m up to around the hospital! Hopefully I’ll get to meet even more people next time that I visit. I sure hope so.