Consejos de atención médica

If You Are a Survivor of Sexual Violence, We Can Help You

April 1, 2024

Sexual contact without consent is one of the most traumatic things that can happen to a person, and if you’ve experienced this, you don’t have to deal with the trauma alone. In 2022, Hancock Health trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) as part of Hancock County’s Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) to help survivors easily access safe, confidential treatment in the wake of an assault.

Care is Available at No Cost

Hancock Health prioritizes the needs of survivors of sexual assault, and services will always be free of charge. You can access treatment from the SANE program through our Knightstown Health Care Center (224 W. Main Street in Knightstown), or at our emergency room after hours. Treatment is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. 

The program treats more than just physical injuries. The SANE nurses and nurse practitioners have been specially trained to conduct free examinations that preserve evidence and document testimony for law enforcement. Specialists can also provide care and connect survivors to counseling services or other community resources in a protected, secure environment.

If You Need Us, We’re a Phone Call Away

Puede contactarnos al 765-345-5572 y ofrecemos exámenes privados gratuitos de 8 am a 5 pm de lunes a jueves y de 8 am a 2 pm los viernes. Los examinadores calificados permanecen de guardia las 24 horas del día y se puede acceder a ellos a través de Hancock Regional Hospital o Henry Community Health. 

No es necesario que usted experimente solo el dolor de una agresión sexual. Póngase en contacto con los especialistas del programa SANE hoy y reciba la atención y el apoyo que necesita.