8 brain health tips for a healthier you
Follow these tips to protect your head and to stay active and engaged. Exercise, sleep,…
繼續閱讀As a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, Hancock Health benefits from the knowledge of world-leading specialists who advise our skilled local providers on diagnosis and treatment—and help us treat even the most complex health conditions.
作為網路的一部分,Hancock Health 的醫生可以快速存取 Mayo Clinic 的研究、診斷和治療資源。當醫生需要討論特定患者的診斷或治療時,他們可以直接諮詢梅奧診所的專家,無需患者支付額外費用。
Hancock Health 目前是印第安納州僅有的四家醫療保健提供者之一 梅奧診所護理網絡。我們之所以被選中,是因為我們致力於提供最高品質、以病人為中心的照護。我們通過了梅奧診所的綜合評估流程,其中包括對我們的組織、臨床和業務實踐以及我們的品質、安全和服務工作的深入審查。
AskMayoExpert is an online medical database offering our providers quick access to disease management guidance, care guidelines, treatment recommendations, and education for a wide variety of conditions. Since 2022, Hancock Health physicians have visited AskMayoExpert over 1,500 times to gather information to better care for our East Central Indiana patients.
Get a second opinion in a convenient and beneficial way for the provider and patient. If our physicians feel additional input would benefit a patient, they can request e-Consults: secure, confidential electronic requests for advice from Mayo Clinic specialists on specific questions related to patient care. e-Consults are ideal when you have a specific question that merits a specialist’s opinion but does not require the specialist to interview or examine the patient. Since 2022, Hancock Health has used over 100 e-Consults.
If a patient is hospitalized and in need of urgent intervention, In-patient Telephone Consults enable Hancock Health physicians to speak with Mayo Clinic specialists over the phone for on-demand guidance.
These live, interactive video conferences enable Hancock Health’s medical team to virtually view, discuss, and present complex cases with a team of Mayo Clinic specialists, as well as doctors from other Mayo Clinic Care Network member organizations. Since 2022, Hancock Health providers have attended over 25 eBoard sessions.
Hancock Health’s membership in the Mayo Clinic Care Network lets our doctors consult with Mayo Clinic specialists on the treatment of complicated medical issues—and brings world-leading knowledge to the people of East Central Indiana.
對我們與 Mayo Clinic 的臨床合作有疑問嗎?
Follow these tips to protect your head and to stay active and engaged. Exercise, sleep,…
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