
We started the Hancock Health Foundation in 1982 to support the advancement of health care and wellness throughout Hancock County. Our awards, scholarships, and other efforts support the ongoing health of Hancock County residents and address their changing health needs.

Women Helping Women Celebration

Registration Open

Become a Patron of Health

We recognize individuals who contribute $100 to $999 to the Hancock Health Foundation with a special designation as Patrons of Health. This select group cares deeply about quality health care services in Hancock County.

If you share their passion, you can become a Patron of Health today by giving a gift to Hancock Health Foundation today. For your support, your name will be included on plaque displayed prominently in the hospital and you will have access to special VIP events.




Hancock Health Foundation provides a number of scholarship opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in healthcare. If you’re interested in nursing, nutrition, healthcare technology, or one of the dozens of other healthcare professions, we may have a way to help fund your education. Deadlines for each scholarship opportunity vary. Apply online or contact Allyson Smith at (317) 468-4106 帶著疑問。

Established in 2015 to support local students and encourage entry into healthcare and wellness professions. The foundation will award at least one $2,000 scholarship annually.


  • Must be in residency or be employed in a healthcare or wellness profession in East Central Indiana.
  • Nursing students are excluded from applying for this scholarship, as other nursing scholarships are available through the Hancock Health Foundation.
  • Must be post-secondary school students, currently enrolled in a healthcare or wellness program; Eligible fields of study may include, but are not limited to, athletic training, physical therapy, nutrition, pharmacy, social work, or general medicine.
  • Prior recipients of this scholarship may apply again.

Selection criteria for this scholarship includes academic achievement, community or extracurricular involvement, and demonstration of interest and/or experience in healthcare or wellness activities. The scholarship selection committee may request personal interviews with selected applicants.

Three letters of reference are required from persons not related to you. At least one letter must be from an academic professional from your current program/school. If applicable, letters should be on official letterhead. All letters must be signed. You are required to upload these letters below before your application may be submitted.


Allyson Smith,
Executive Director

(317) 468-4106


Past winners include:

  • 1999:婦女幫助婦女和沃克(分裂)
  • 2000:希望之家
  • 2001:臨終關懷
  • 2002:漢考克食品儲藏室
  • 2003:賈里斯‧哈蒙德
  • 2004 年:無菸聯盟
  • 2005: 雪絨花馬
  • 2006 年:漢考克郡特奧會
  • 2007年:伯特·庫裡獎
  • 2008:保險絲
  • 2008年:亞爾
  • 2009:基瓦尼斯
  • 2011 年:Donn Hunter 博士 – 臨終關懷中心
  • 2012年:多蘿西·岡恩(Dorothy Gunn)-希望之家、施粥廚房(已分拆)
  • 2014 年:蘇西·布魯姆(Susie Broome)(女性幫助女性)和蘇西·比林斯(Susie Billings)(癌症)
  • 2015:貝琪·萊利
  • 2016 年:托馬斯·奧康納博士 (Talitha Koum) 和傑克·戈夫 (Food Pantry)
  • 2017:鮑伯·沃特曼和琳達·哈特
  • 2018:艾米·巴格特
  • 2019:道恩漢森
  • 2020:吉娜·科爾克拉齊爾
  • 2021:凱瑟琳·內夫·洛克