Hancock Health Connection Center

The Hancock Health Connection Center helps people with community resources to meet social needs and prevention/intervention services related to behavioral health needs. We serve Hancock County residents, patients and Hancock Health associates.

young woman looking at bills and invoices with laptop


当社のサポート ナビゲーター チームは、機密の聞き取りサービスを提供し、患者が人生の課題を克服するのに役立つ地域のリソースにつながるよう支援します。私たちは地元の組織や個人と何百もの有意義な関係を築き、コミュニティのニーズを確実に満たすためにあらゆる年齢層と協力しています。

Support navigator with folder speaking to another person at their front door


地域社会の総合的な福祉に対する私たちの取り組みには、患者がハンコック ヘルス ネットワークの外にいる場合でも、必要なリソースにアクセスできるようサポートすることが含まれます。

happy children learning how to play tennis
happy children learning how to play tennis


headshot Amanda Everidge

Since 2002, Amanda has dedicated herself to helping others improve their lives. A Hancock Health associate since 2010, she uses her passion to empower and motivate, and to help others see how small changes can have a big impact. Her vision is to continue to cultivate a culture of wellness in Hancock County, with a focus on mental health and substance use treatment. Amanda received her bachelor’s from Purdue University and her master’s in social work from IUPUI. She was born and raised in Greenfield, where she lives with her fiancé, Adrian, and their daughter, Helen. She enjoys vacationing with family, running half marathons, and spending time in nature.