At the Hancock Health Connection Center, one of the main services we provide is support navigation. In our extensive Forschung, we’ve discovered that many local Hancock County and surrounding area residents aren’t sure where to turn when they need a specific service or are struggling with a difficult situation. Local resources may be available, but these resources aren’t helpful unless people know about them. Read on to find out more about our support navigators and how they work to help residents find the support and programs that lead to healthier, better lives.

What is a support navigator?

Support navigators are individuals who are trained to connect people with local support resources, including insurance assistance, employment, housing, transportation, doctors, childcare, food, mental health, and substance use treatment. Our support navigators are a part of Hancock Health’s bigger commitment to ensuring a connected, more comprehensive approach to making health possible for everyone in Hancock County.

A support navigator will always listen. There is no judgment in our offices. Nobody should ever feel afraid to ask for help because they are ashamed or embarrassed. Our support navigator’s goal is to help people find a path back to a better, healthier life.

What can a support navigator nicht do?

Our support navigators are here for connection. However, some people mistakenly assume the Connection Center is a crisis center. While our support navigators are trained empathetic listeners, they are not intended to act as crisis counselors. We can, however, assist people by connecting them with the appropriate local crisis resources.

Support navigators must also work within the scope of available resources. That’s why the Connection Center stays involved in Hancock County and surrounding communities, working to support existing programs and identify the needs for additional programs. We strongly believe that healthy residents lead to stronger communities, and the Connection Center plays an important role in ensuring the overall health of our community and its residents.

What happens when I visit the Connection Center?

When you call the Connection Center at 317-468-4231 or stop in at 120 W. McKenzie Road in Greenfield, you can ask to work with a support navigator. Our front office assistant will gather information from you and pass it along to a support navigator. The support navigator will call you back within 48 business hours. We do our best to facilitate appropriate connections with local resources in a timely matter. Once the services you need are identified, our navigators provide warm handoffs and follow up to ensure your needs are met.

When you’re not sure where to turn, reach out to the Hancock Health Connection Center, and let a support navigator guide you to a solution that makes health possible for you and the ones you love. 

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