Are you looking for that perfect something to cheer up a loved one staying in the hospital? What about unique gifts for holidays and birthdays? Or even a gift basket to brighten someone’s day? All of this and more can be found on a trip to the Hancock Health Gift Shop! 

Not Your Average Gift Shop 

Hospital gift shops tend to be, well, boring. You might find a traditional trinket for a loved one having a baby or a bouquet of flowers for an ill family member, but brightening someone’s day is about more than giving them the same old get-well card. Helping someone to feel better with a gift that really reflects who they are and what they love is a beautiful way to show them that you care. And it might actually make them feel happy at a time when they could really use it. 

If you are searching for something to brighten a special someone’s day, the Hancock Health Gift Shop boasts a plethora of unique and one-of-a-kind pick-me-ups. With a wide selection of games, plush animals, baby gifts, inspirational gifts, jewelry, home décor, self-care items, candy, magazines, books and more, you can put together the perfect present to help someone feel better. 

If can’t get to the Hancock Health gift shop… 

Sometimes, it is hard to make a trip to the gift shop to look around, especially if you are at the hospital to be with your sick loved one or you are from out of town. For those times when you can’t shop but you still want to find a special something to brighten someone’s day, the Hancock Health Gift Shop offers the option to purchase a gift over the phone. By simply calling 317-468-4492, you will be connected to our employees, who are ready to help you with your purchase. The shop also offers a gift bag or basket service to help you round up the perfect present.  

Stay in “the know” about sales and more

The gift shop, conveniently located inside the lobby of the hospital is open Monday through Friday from 10am-4pm. Follow Hancock Gesundheit Und Hancock Volunteers on social so you can find out about special sales and events, such as Harvest Days as well as Easter and Christmas sales. When you come for a visit, make sure to grab your loyalty punch card. You receive one punch for every $25 purchase and after 9 purchases you receive a coupon for a discounted item.  

Giving a special present to someone you love is a beautiful way to show you care, especially if they need a little pick-me-up. The next time you find yourself at the hospital, stop by and take a look at the gift shop’s beautiful, one-of-a-kind items! 

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